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ACS UTM Student Chapter Visit

Nov 10, 2017

Tan Wei Lin

In November this year, NUS ACSSC had a visit from our fellow sibling ACS UTM Student Chapter! The chapter is based in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), which is located in Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.


The session first began with an talk by Chair of NUS Chemistry Student Life Committee A/P Ang Wee Han, focusing mainly on the graduate programs NUS Chemistry has to offer. This preceded an address by the President of ACS UTM Student Chapter Mr Lakhshmana Barathi, who introduced some activities that his chapter organizes.

We then brought them to our chemistry labs, where our friendly faculty staff were on hand to perform some demonstrations and showcase some lab equipment. Following, we took them around NUS campus, to the more iconic locations such as the Museum and UTown.

Finally, members from both chapters had dinner together, which doubled as an interaction session. Although our time together was short, we enjoyed having our Malaysian friends and we hope to have more chapter vists!

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