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256th ACS National Meeting

October 11, 2019

NUS ACSSC was given the opportunity to send student representatives to attend the 256th ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. As a result, we sent two members to attend informative talks, panel discussions and also, present research posters in a symposium at the meeting.

ACS Leadership Institute 2018

January 24, 2018

Max Tan Jin Hui, current president for NUS ACS Student Chapter, was awarded the 2018 ACS Student Leadership Award! He is the only student from outside the US territories to receive the award, which recognizes leaders who have done commendable work in chemistry-based activities, particularly in ACS.

ACS UTM Student Chapter Visit

November 09, 2017

NUS ACSSC hosted ACS UTM Student Chapter from Johor, Malaysia, strengthening the relationship between both chapters and opening up possibilities for collaboration.

NUS Chemistry 88th Anniversary Dinner

October 26, 2017

NUS Chemistry celebrated its 88th anniversary at the Fullerton Hotel. Over 370 guests attended, and NUS ACSSC was honoured to be invited to perform some pre-dinner demos for the alumni to relive their days of being in school.

254th ACS National Meeting

August 23, 2017

NUS ACSSC was given the opportunity to send student representatives to attend the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington DC. As a result, we sent a member to present a research poster as well as collect new ideas for Chapter activities.

Hosting of ACS Exchange Students

August 06, 2016

NUS ACSSC hosted 3 ACS exchange students from the USA who were in Singapore on the IREU research program. We also did an interview with one of the students, Laney Browder, who shared about why she chose to join ACS and IREU.

Science Open House 2016

December 31, 2016

The NUS Faculty of Science Open House was catered to incoming freshmen from junior colleges and polytechnics. This was another chance for us to publicize our Chapter and scout for new recruits. We also helped to promote Chemistry as a choice of study, and assisted in the laboratory tours.

Global Experience Fair 2016

December 31, 2016

NUS Global Experience Fair was held to publicize internships, summer programmes and study trips from various universities and organizations around the world. Our participation in it gave us a golden opportunity to promote our Chapter and the ACS research exchange programme.

250th ACS National Meeting

May 14, 2016

NUS ACSSC was given the opportunity to send student representatives to attend the 250th ACS National Meeting in Boston. As a result, we sent a member to present a research poster in a symposium at the meeting.

Halloween Bazaar 2015

We decided to ride on the bandwagon of the Halloween festival and sell macarons to raise funds for our Chapter. We offered a discounted price to those who liked our Facebook page, achieving publicity and fund-raising in one masterstroke.

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