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Global Experience Fair 2016

Jan 21, 2016

Lum Yi Chyi

Global Experience Fair 2016 was jointly organized by NUS International Relations Office (IRO), NUS Overseas Colleges, and Centre for Future-Ready Graduates to promote exciting short-term international programmes. Students could interact directly with NUS' partner companies, organizations and universities about the opportunities for international internships, research attachments, and more. Turnout was estimated to be in the thousands.


NUS ACS Student Chapter was presented a booth to publicize our club as well as to raise awareness about the ACS research exchange programme, known as International Research Experience for Undergraduates (IREU). IREU is jointly organized by ACS and NUS IRO, and 3-5 NUS students get the chance to travel to USA for twelve

weeks at one of ACS' member universities to embark on a Chemistry-related project. NUS generously provides SGD 2,500 funding to each successful student, who gets to work under the guidance of faculty members and graduate student mentors to sharpen scientific skills, develop collaborations with scientists abroad, and experience the life and culture of a foreign country.

"It was an excellent platform to raise awareness about IREU, of which few people seem to know."

- Ou Tian Kun, Programmes Director of EXCO AY15/16, on the productivity of the event

As our maiden event after taking over from the founding EXCO, we thought the planning and execution of the fair went pretty smoothly. Within the short time span of a month, we managed to come up with a club standee, flyers and slideshows, all of which we could use for subsequent events. There was a sizable number of people who approached our booth and listened to what we had to offer, and a few contacted us in the aftermath of the event. We hope to see more of you at our booth next year!


For more information on IREU and the application process, you may download this file or visit this website.

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