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NUS Chemistry 88th Anniversary Dinner

Oct 27, 2017

Shaun Tan

"The best part of organising such an event, I always feel, is the sense of “together-ness” with the inclusion of all stake-holders – alumni, staff and students."

- A/P Chin Wee Shong, Chair of 88th Anniversary Committee

NUS Chemistry recently celebrated its 88th Anniversary with a big dinner at The Fullerton Hotel! More than 370 guests attended the event, which also raised funds towards the “Chemistry Alumni Fund” that establishes scholarships for students like us.

NUS ACS Student Chapter was honoured to be invited to perform some pre-dinner demos, such as "Elephant Toothpaste" which was a crowd favourite, as well as "Water to Fanta Grape to Water" which allowed the alumni to participate in the demo itself.

(Left) Alumni capturing the elephant toothpaste demo on their phones. (Middle) Chapter members Amelia  and Ketian explaining the science behind the demos. (Right) A brave soul participating in the "Water to Fanta Grape to Water" demo.

On this happy occasion, the department has launched a commemorative publication ‘Celebrating 88 years of Chemistry in Singapore’ that traces a pictorial journey of the Department from 1929 till now. We are happy to share with you the publication (which could be read online here); you can read about the significant milestones that the department has attained and perhaps also spot some old photos of our professors. Enjoy!  

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