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Research opportunities for Chemistry majors from ALL years

December 2, 2020

Kim Saehyun

Opportunities for Year 1

Are you planning to pursue research in the future?

Are you are wondering if research suits you?

Are you concerned that you have no idea which field of research you are interested in?

I had a similar concern as you when I was in my first year. The best advice I could give you is – “you never know until you try it”. It is important to get research exposure early, so you can discover your aptitude and plan your future.

Special Program in Science (SPS) is a great way to gain research exposure in your first year.* SPS is an interdisciplinary science program, consisting of students from diverse disciplines - Chemistry, Life Science, Physics, Mathematics, etc.

Under the modules SP2171 and SP3172, you will carry out a literature review in the field of your interest, decide your own topic and conduct research as a team. Students get to work in a research group within NUS or work in a partner institution such as A*STAR.

In addition, you will be equipped with research experience in synthetic biology, geo-science, physical chemistry, and astrophysics through the core SPS modules.


Key Opportunity: Special Program in Science


Eligibility: Newly matriculated Freshman Students in FOS


Application Window: Beginning of Semester 1 (July ~ August).

Attend the SPS open day and visit SPS Website to find out more about the program.

Editor's Note:

We would like to thank Saehyun for contributing to this article. In alignment with the establishment of the College of Humanities & Sciences in 2021, the curriculum for the Special Programme in Science has been revamped for Academic Year (AY) 2021/22 cohorts onwards.

"You never know until you try it."

Opportunities for Year 2 and 3

Key Opportunity: UROPS, Overseas Summer UROPS and URAPS

Did you miss the opportunity to join SPS?

Don’t be afraid, you still have A LOT of other options. You must seize these opportunities as it will help you tremendously in deciding your FYP project.

The most common way to gain research exposure is to enrol in UROPS in Chemistry (CM2288, CM2289, CM3288, CM3289), where you get to join a research group within NUS to carry out a project for 1 ~ 2 semester. However, do note that you will need to conduct research while coping with other core modules. This requires dedication and good time management skill.

If you prefer to conduct full-time research without being distracted by other modules, I strongly recommend applying for Overseas Summer UROPS (CM3288). Through Overseas UROPS, you conduct research in overseas universities for 3 months during the May-August break. This is in a sense ‘exchange program’ but with a focus on research.


One important fact: unlike the normal exchange program, YOU DON’T NEED TO PAY TUITION for Overseas UROPS program. You only have to pay for your accommodation, flight and living cost. There is numerous financial aid available for students, including the NASA bursary.

at mathematical bridge, queen's college

At Mathematical Bridge, Queen’s College

"Unlike the normal exchange program, you don't need to pay tuition for Overseas UROPS program."

NUS offer overseas UROPS or URAPS (Undergraduate Research Attachment Programs) opportunity in various universities including University of Toronto, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, KAUST…etc.

I have completed my Overseas UROPS project at the University of Cambridge at the end of my 2nd year (2019 May – Aug). I developed biohybrid catalysts for solar energy conversion at Reisner Lab, where I discovered my passion for renewable energy research. I was lucky to achieve success in my project and earned support from the professor who willingly wrote me a reference for PhD application to Cambridge. Through the project, I got to build connections with amazing researchers. Most importantly, I matured a lot while working independently in a foreign country. I received an award from Santander which greatly helped me offset the cost of living.

Formal dinner at Darwin College with Rei

Formal dinner at Darwin College with Reisner Lab members

Key Opportunity: Overseas UROPS & URAPS


Eligibility: Any year 2 and year 3 students studying Chemistry

Application Window:

Application start – mid December (upon finishing your 2nd semester). You will receive email from SCI SEP regarding the application

Application deadline – mid January

Outcome – mid Feb

Program start – early May


Contact for more information


Key Opportunity: UROPS

Eligibility: Any year 2 and year 3 students studying Chemistry

Application Window: Start of module registration at every semester

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